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Project Checkpoint 2 - Approach Description

Possible Points Due Date
50 pts March 10th - Before Class


For the second project checkpoint, you will be writing the first draft of your approach description for your course project. This means you will be describing the approach that you are using to build a tool to solve a given problem, or the methodology that you are carrying out if you are conducting a study. It is OK if you do not know all of the details of your approach yet, and we hope that writing the Approach Description will help you reason about and finalize your design for the project.

Checkpoint Instructions

Approach Description

Expected Length: (2-4 pages)

Your overall goal in the approach description section of the paper is twofold: (i) you should provide the reader with a high-level overview of your approach or study, to make it easy to understand how the different components of your approach fit together, (ii) you should describe each component of your approach in detail, using figures and examples where necessary to more clearly explain concepts.

In order to receive full points for this project checkpoint, your Approach Description section should include the following:

  • Approach Overview Figure: Designing a DL-based approach to aid in automating an SE task is a complex undertaking, with the underlying techniques often consisting of multiple components. As such, to help readers better understand your approach, it is often important to have a "high level" overview figure that clearly delineates each component of your approach and how they fit together. For some good examples of overview figures, please take a look at my prior work on ReDraw and V2S. Note that if you are including baseline techniques in your evaluation, you do not have to describe these in the approach description section. These can be described later when you write the design of the experiments in project checkpoint 3. You should have a paragraph or subsection associated with your overview figure that walks the reader through the high-level workflow of your approach.
  • Description of Individual Approach Components: After introducing the high-level workflow of your approach, you will then need to describe each component of your approach in detail. It is often best to organize your description of each component into individual subsections in the order you're introduced them in your overview figure. Be sure to consider the use of additional figures, algorithms, or equations to appropriately describe your approach.

Submission Instructions

Project Checkpoints should be submitted as a PDF via Blackboard to the appropriate assignment.