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Tech Talks

Each student will be responsible for giving a short group presentation surveying a front-end web technology. Students should sign up for a technology and join a group using the course Piazza page. Topic selection is flexible, but must be approved by the instructors. Each Tech Talk should be about 15 minutes in length and should include the following information:

  • General Information: Explain what the technology does, why it is useful and how it relates to the design and development of user interfaces.
  • Demo: Provide a short demo (live or video) of the most important features of your chosen technology.
  • Example: Provide a short step-by-step tutorial or walkthrough related to how you implement one or two of the key features of your technology.
  • Technology Status: Provide a background of the history of the technology from its inception to the present. Include information related to the company or foundation that owns/governs the technology and how others can contribute if is open source.
  • Competitors/Alternatives: Every technology has trade-offs. In this section of the presentation you should discuss some of the trade offs and most appropriate use cases of your technology as well as any competing technologies.
  • Summary: Provide a short summary that recaps all the key points related all of the information above.

*For additional information, see Dr. Moran's lecture and slides from the Firebase tech talk as an example.

Grading Criteria

Your presentations will be graded according to the following criteria. One important aspect of these criteria is the presentation format and flow. To get full points for this category, each member of your team must speak during the presentation, and the flow of the presentation must be polished and professional. Because we will be conducting these presentations over Zoom, one person should share and control the slides for all teammates.

Covers Relevant Information 60 pts
Visual Design of Slides 10 pts
Presentation Format and Flow 20pts
Q&A 10pts
Total 100pts

(Preliminary) Tech Talk Schedule




Week 4 February 17th Selenium
Week 5 February 24th Angular
Week 6 March 3rd Cypress
Week 8 March 17th Jenkins
Week 9 March 24th Tableau
Week 10 March 31st Django
Week 11 April 7th Figma
Week 12 April 14th Appsheets
Week 13 April 21st React