Course Overview
Faculty |
Teaching Assistant |
Course Meetings & Virtual Spaces
Course Meeting Times
- Class Hours: Wednesdays, 4:30pm-7:10pm
- Class Room: Remote Instruction via Zoom - Zoom Link (Requires GMU Zoom Account)
Virtual Course Spaces
- Course Website: Syllabus, Schedule, Assignments, Lecture Slides, Lecture Recordings
- Zoom: Synchronous Class Sessions - Zoom Link (Requires GMU Zoom Account)
- Piazza: Announcements, Discussion
- Blackboard (MyMason): Grades
Course Description & Texts
This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to human-computer interaction and the design and development of user interfaces, covering basic human cognition, methods for need-finding and prototyping, user-centered design, empirical and analytical methods for conducting usability evaluations, and principles for visual, information, interaction, and community design.
Learning Outcomes
- Design a UI through user-centered design
- Conduct a heuristic evaluation or think-aloud usability study to identify usability issues
- Use principles from visual, interaction, and community design to identify and address usability issues
- Improve a UI by addressing usability issues through iterative design
- Use modern web technologies to implement a UI
You must be able to program using OO concepts, and have general knowledge of software engineering. The official course prerequisites can be found in the GMU Software Engineering Course Catalog. These are subject to change, so please check the catalog for the most up-to-date information. I rarely make exceptions to the listed prerequisites as they are for the benefit of students. However, if you have a compelling reason for an exception, please contact me.
Required Textbooks & Other Course Materials
Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, Steve Krug, 2014 (3rd Edition) (referenced as Krug)
The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition, Don Norman, Basic Books, 2013 (referenced as Norman)
All other materials will either be freely available online, or available as a PDF on Piazza.
Course Communication
Communication Policies
If you have a general question about an assignment or course content, first check the Piazza Course Q/A Thread to see if someone has already answered your question. If not, post your question in the Q/A thread, where your question will be answered either by other students or the course staff. For questions about grades or other matters, please contact the TA and instructor by email.
Students must use their MasonLive email account for University communications. Per University policy, I cannot respond to messages sent from a non-Mason email address. See the MasonLive webpage for more information.
Office Hours
Office hours are typically times that we commit to being in our office, door open, first come, first served. However, this fall, due to the virtual format of this course, office hours will be held virtually via Zoom at the times indicated for each instructor. If you cannot make the scheduled office hours, we are happy to make appointments. We will inform the class if we need to miss office hours.
Virtual Course Structure
Course Modality
This is an online course that will combine synchronous and asynchronous elements, meaning that we will meet together on Zoom at designated a time each week, and the rest of the week’s activities and discussions will be completed according to your own schedule via Piazza. All important due dates will be listed on the Course Schedule. All work will be submitted via Piazza (for discussions) or OneDrive (for the course project) unless otherwise noted by the instructor.
Virtual Lecture Format
Given that our course will be virtual this Fall, and that we are scheduled to meet for over 2.5 hours, lectures in this course will be dynamic in nature. I envision that for most classes lectures will generally only occupy about 1/2 of the class time. It is my belief that lectures longer than this become counterproductive in this virtual format. The remainder for each class will be utilized either for (1) interactive group activities (2) will allow time for collaboratively working on the course project, or (3) will be reserved for tech talks. We will utilize the Breakout Room feature of Zoom in order to conduct interactive sessions. (See the course technology requirements)
Virtual Class Etiquette
Given that our class meetings will be virtual, it also means we have to be more mindful and considerate so that we can create a fun but conducive learning environment for everyone. To foster this environment, I ask the following:
- Microphones are muted during lecture. If there is a question, please feel free to raise it in the chat window or raise your hand such that I can call on you at the next opportune time.
- If you choose not to have your camera turned on, please have a photo of yourself on your Zoom profile. It helps me to teach to your lovely faces, rather than black squares with names in them .
- Group in-class assignments will be done in breakout rooms. This is a time to have your microphones unmuted and to engage with your fellow classmates (and of course counts towards your participation grade).
- Reactions, comments, and feedback are welcome (if not encouraged) as you feel moved by my lectures or questions raised by other students! I want class to be fun and engaging. But please keep it cordial and respectful.
Asynchronous Discussions
During certain weeks lectures, Discussion Questions will be assigned that you will need to respond to on Piazza. The responses to these discussion questions will always be due on Friday by 11:59PM following the lecture during which they were assigned.
We will have readings from the textbooks Krug and Norman. Additionally, several readings will be chapters from other books, which will be available electronically through Piazza. All readings are listed in the Course Schedule. Material covered in the readings may appear in the midterm and final exams.
I expect you to read the relevant material before class meetings. The lectures may not cover all material from the readings and will often include material not found in the readings. So both reading and attending are important to your success in this class.
Course Evaluation & Assignments
Grading Scale
Your work will be graded on the following scale:
A+ 100%-97% | B+ 89%-87% | C+ 79%-77% | D+ 69%-67% |
A 96%-93% | B 86%-83% | C 76%-73% | D 66%-63% |
A- 92%-90% | B- 82%-80% | C- 73%-70% | D- 62%-60% |
Any grade below a 60% will result in failing the course.
Grading Explanation: Receiving an “A” means that you did excellent work. “A” work is clear, insightful, creative, and for code-related assignments, typically exhibits very few, if any, observable bugs. It shows an obvious mastery of course material, but also goes above and beyond demonstrating understanding. A “B” denotes very good work that clearly fulfills all assignment requirements and demonstrates solid engagement with course material. A “C” is average. This work adequately addresses the assignment but may not fully meet requirements. “C” work does not distinguish itself in terms of its insight, creativity, or uptake of course material. If you are receiving “D” or “F” grades, this is a sign that you should set up a meeting with Dr. Moran so that we can work together on a plan to help you better approach the course material.
Grading Breakdown
Participation & Discussion | 10% |
Tech Talk | 10% |
Project Checkpoints & Presentation | 40% |
Mid-term exam | 20% |
Final exam | 20% |
Assignments & Exams
Participation & Discussion (10%)
Class attendance & responses to Discussion Questions will make up 10% of the overall course grade. The discussion question responses will either receive full points, half-points, or no points based on their content. The instructors reserve the right to assign no points for discussion question responses that do not comprehensively address the prompt. I expect that attend the synchronized class sessions unless you have personal or technical difficulties that prevent you from joining us, and we will take attendance via Zoom. Why? You will spend a great deal of time during class learning from your classmates with group exercises. Nothing can replace our interactive real-time, in-class group exercises, so don't miss unless you have to.
Tech Talks (10%)
Each student will be responsible for giving a short group presentation surveying a front-end web technology. Each group will consist of 2-3 students. See the Tech Talks posting on Piazzafor more details.
Course Project (40%)
The major assignments in the course will be in the form of a project, and will distributed over the course of the semester as "Project Checkpoints". You will first design and implement a simple UI in the form of a web app. Throughout the semester, you will perform peer evaluations, identifying usability issues with the UI of apps built by other students in the course. Based on the reported usability issues you receive, you will then iteratively redesign and improve the usability of your web app to address these issues. Full details for each Project Checkpoint can be found in the Project Checkpoint descriptions; the due dates are summarized in the course schedule.
You are allowed to work on the Project collaboratively using one of two models:
- Work on and submit all HWs independently.
- Collaborate from start to finish on all HWs with at most two other students in SWE 632. You must submit one solution as a group for each HW. Additionally, each group member will separately submit a peer evaluation, describing the involvement of each group member (including themselves) in the Project Checkpoint assignment.
Note: You are NOT ALLOWED to include “guest names.” Every person listed as a collaborator must contribute. If someone is listed as a collaborator but did not contribute, all will be given a zero on the assignment and reported to the university honor committee.
Midterm & Final Exam (20% & 20%)
There will be a midterm exam and a comprehensive final exam which will be open-book & open-notes. The exam questions will consist of essay-style questions wherein you will be required to synthesize concepts taught throughout the course and apply them in specific contexts. Because this exam will be administered virtually, the questions will be released on Piazza, and due within 2 hours & 40 minutes of the questions being posted. Exams will cover material from the lectures and assigned readings.
Exams and Academic Integrity
Note that while these exams will be open book and open notes, they are NOT to be worked on collaboratively between students. Due to the nature of the exam, it will be extremely clear to the instructors whether students were colluding on the exam, and any such cases will be referred to the university honor council. See GMU's policies on Academic Integrity for more information.
Assignment Due Dates
Discussion Questions are due by 11:59 pm EST on the Monday after they are assigned. All Project Checkpoints are due by the time class begins (4:30pm) on the due date indicated on the Course Schedule.
Late Policy & Makeups
Unless arrangements are worked out in advance, missed tests cannot be made up. As many of the Project Checkpoints involve peer evaluations where groups give and receive feedback with other groups, late HW submissions impact not only the groups themselves but other students in the course. Thus, 10% will be deducted for late HW assignments turned within 24 hours of the due date, and 20% will be deducted for late HW assignments turned in after 48 hours. Assignments submitted more than 48 hours late will receive a zero.
I understand that we are operating under extraordinary circumstances this semester. If you become ill, if you have a family emergency, or if something else happens that prevents you from completing work on time (either assignments or exams), please communicate with Dr. Moran. We will devise a plan to help you complete work on an altered schedule.
Course Logistics
Technology Requirements
Activities and assignments in this course will regularly use the Piazza learning system. Students are required to have regular, reliable access to a computer with an updated operating system (recommended: Windows 10 or Mac OSX 10.13 or higher) and a stable broadband Internet connection (cable modem, DSL, satellite broadband, etc., with at least a consistent 1.5 Mbps [megabits per second] download speed or higher. You can check your speed settings using this speed test.
Activities and assignments in this course will regularly use the Zoom web-conferencing software. In addition to the requirements above, students are required to have a device with a functional camera and microphone. In an emergency, you can connect through a telephone call, but video connection is the expected norm.
Setting up Zoom
In order to protect the privacy of our class meetings, students must use their GMU zoom accounts for our class Zoom meetings. Note, that our zoom meetings will require the Zoom desktop client on Mac or PC, or on an iOS or Android device, you will NOT be able to join the class meetings using the Zoom web app in your browser. You can download the latest Zoom client from this link.
Course Recordings and Privacy
All of our synchronous meetings in this class will be recorded to provide necessary information for students in this class. Recordings will be posted on the course website (for lectures), or Blackboard (for Tech Talks).
All course materials posted to Blackboard, Piazza or other course sites are private; by federal law, any materials that identify specific students (via their name, voice, or image) must not be shared with anyone not enrolled in this class.
- Video recordings of class meetings that include audio or visual information from other students are private and must not be shared
- Live Video Conference Meetings (e.g. Collaborate or Zoom) that include audio or visual information from other students must be viewed privately and not shared with others in your household
Classroom Environment
My goal is to facilitate a positive, supportive, and interactive learning environment that fosters respect for people across identities. In this class, I welcome and value individuals and their differences across race, economic status, gender expression and identity, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, first language, religion, age, and ability. It is this diversity that will enrich our discussions about designing effective user interfaces for all. Please reference the Mason Diversity Statement for more on the University’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Gender Identity and Pronoun Use
If you wish, please share your name and gender pronouns with Dr. Moran and how best to address you in class and via email. I use he/him/his for myself and you may address me as Dr. or Professor Moran.
Campus Closure
If the campus closes or class is canceled due to weather or any other concern, please check Piazza for updates on how to continue learning and information about any changes to events or assignments.
University Policies
Safe Return to Campus
All students taking courses with a face-to-face component are required to take Safe Return to Campus Training prior to visiting campus. Training is available in Blackboard. Students are required to follow the university’s public health and safety precautions and procedures outlined on the university Safe Return to Campus webpage. Similarly, all students in face-to-face and hybrid courses must also complete the Mason COVID Health Check daily, seven days a week. The COVID Health Check system uses a color code system and students will receive either a Green, Yellow, or Red email response. Only students who receive a “green” notification are permitted to attend courses with a face-to-face component. If you suspect that you are sick or have been directed to self-isolate, please quarantine or get testing. Faculty are allowed to ask you to show them that you have received a Green email and are thereby permitted to be in class.
While this class does not have an in-person meeting component, please keep in mind that the Safe Return to Campus Training and Mason COVID Health Check are required if you go on campus at any time, for any purpose.
Academic Integrity
GMU is an Honor Code university; please see the Office for Academic Integrity for a full description of the code and the honor committee process, and the Computer Science Department’s Honor Code Policies regarding programming assignments. The principle of academic integrity is taken very seriously and violations are treated gravely. What does academic integrity mean in this course? Essentially this: when you are responsible for a task, you will perform that task. When you rely on someone else’s work in an aspect of the performance of that task, you will give full credit in the proper, accepted form. Another aspect of academic integrity is the free play of ideas. Vigorous discussion and debate are encouraged in this course, with the firm expectation that all aspects of the class will be conducted with civility and respect for differing ideas, perspectives, and traditions. When in doubt (of any kind) please ask for guidance and clarification.
Accommodations for Disabilities
Disability Services at George Mason University is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students by upholding the laws that ensure equal treatment of people with disabilities. If you are seeking accommodations for this class, please first visit for detailed information about the Disability Services registration process. Then please discuss your approved accommodations with me. Disability Services is located in Student Union Building I (SUB I), Suite 2500. | Phone: (703) 993-2474
Diversity, Inclusion, & Anti-Racism Statement
As a member of the George Mason University community, I will work to create an educational environment that is committed to anti-racism and inclusive excellence. An anti-racist approach to higher education acknowledges the ways that individual, interpersonal, institutional, and structural manifestations of racism against Black individuals, indigenous people, and other people of color contribute to inequality and injustice in our classrooms, on our campuses, and in our communities. Anti-racist work strives to provide our community members with resources to interrupt cycles of racism so as to cultivate a more equitable, inclusive, and just environment for all of our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends, regardless of racial background. I believe that the work of anti-racism starts with each individual; together, students and faculty in this course will build knowledge and take actions rooted in principles of equity, inclusion, and justice that we will carry with us throughout our lives.
Religious Holidays
If you will miss one of our Zoom sessions due to a religious holiday or observance, please let me know during the first two weeks of the semester so that I can plan our sessions in terms of anticipated attendance. Recordings of synchronous sessions will be available on the Course Website and Piazza.
Title IX
George Mason University is committed to providing a learning, living and working environment that is free from discrimination and a campus that is free of sexual misconduct and other acts of interpersonal violence in order to promote community well-being and student success. We encourage students who believe that they have been sexually harassed, assaulted or subjected to sexual misconduct to seek assistance and support. University Policy 1202: Sexual Harassment and Misconduct speaks to the specifics of Mason’s process, the resources, and the options available to students.
As a faculty member and designated “Responsible Employee,” I am required to report all disclosures of sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking to Mason’s Title IX Coordinator per university policy 1412. If you wish to speak with someone confidentially, please contact the Student Support and Advocacy Center (703-380-1434) or Counseling and Psychological Services (703-993-2380). You may also seek assistance from Mason’s Title IX Coordinator (703-993-8730;