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Project checkpoint 1

Sketching & Storyboarding

Possible Points Due Date
40 Points February 10th - Before Class


In this Project Checkpoint, you will first create at least 3 sketches that will serve as a storyboard for your proposed web app. These sketches should be done on paper, and then photos or scans of the sketches can be uploaded with the assignment. In addition to the sketches, you will also create 2 wireframes of the two most "important" screens of your app.

  1. When working on the storyboards, think primarily about how different parts of your application will fit together based on the tasks that users will perform.
    • If you are working in a group, we strongly suggest that at least two team members work on the storyboard sketching, and then the entire team meets and critiques the design.
  2. When creating the wireframes, feel free to use any software that you prefer, and work collaboratively if you are in a group.
  3. Remember keep your wireframe simple, and "deliberately unfinished" - do not include graphics, colors, or fonts.
  4. After you have created the storyboard (and critiqued it with your teammates if applicable), write a brief 1-2 paragraph explanation of the user flow through each frame.
  5. For each of your 2 wireframes, write a 1 paragraph rationale regarding the design choices made. (Consider the "Creating a Wireframe" questions from the Week 2 Lecture in your rationale!)
  6. Please include the scans of the storyboard, and images of the mockup, and your explanations/rationales in a single PDF document.

Submission Instructions

Submit your assignment through Blackboard as a single PDF file. If you are working in a group, only one person per group should submit on behalf of your group.

If you are working in a group, each group member must separately submit a Statement of Contributions document with your name, list of group members, and a one or two paragraph statement describing how each of the group members contributed to this Project Checkpoint.